Year 11 end of term update

Dear parents and carers, it has been a busy term in which year 11 have risen to our high expectations and worked hard on their GCSE preparation. I would like to thank many of you who have been in touch over the past weeks to provide support and feedback in relation to our ambitious study and intervention programme. Your engagement has enabled us to refine our plans and to ensure that we are working in close partnership with you to provide the best possible support for our students.

The year 11 team is passionate about working in partnership with students and their families and welcome feedback in all fronts. In our next assembly I will provide students with some updates to our provision in response to this feedback. If you would like to listen to the assembly then please follow the link below:



PPES are taking place the first two weeks of next term and subject teachers have been working hard to prepare students in lessons and also support revision that will take place in the half term through setting revision lists on SMHW. The PPE timetable is below, students will be reviving a personal timetable through tutor time next week which will let them know the venue and seat for each PPE.

Year 11 end of term update

Half Term Revision 

Our tutor time programme has shown students how to revise in different ways this term, students have been invited to take home their revision booklets which contain useful templates for their half term PPE preparation. During the PPEs subject intervention and supervised study will continue to be offered, with students being able to choose to attend supervised study in place of subject intervention to revise the following days PPE should they wish.

Year 11 end of term update

After academy sessions and study points

As you are aware from the recent communication home, students are being rewarded for their hard work and effort with study points. We have taken feedback on the system and made refinements to provide all students with support that meets their needs:

Subject Intervention – students can now request to join a subject group via [email protected]

Supervised Study – open to all year 11 students every night in the library no booking required

Virtual study group – students unable to attend on site sessions can ‘turn in’ revision done at home via a SMHW group, please contact [email protected]

Each time students demonstrate hard work and effort through one of these routes they will gain a study point which over time will give them access to rewards and eventually an invitation to the prom. We are looking to foster a culture in which hard work and effort are highly valued rather than focusing on grades alone, we are positive that all of our students will rise to the challenge!

We really want all of our students to come to the prom which is such an important rite of passage, please be reassured that students who have tried their personal best will be invited, this is why we have not specified the number of study points students need to attend. As always we will be in close dialogue with students and parents to let you know that they are on the right track, if you have any concerns that are academic please contact [email protected] for pastoral queries please contact [email protected].