Exam Information
Information Documents for Candidates
Information for Candidates – Privacy-Notice
JCQ – Preparing to sit your exams
JCQ – AI and Assessments, a quick guide for students
Social Media Information for Candidates
Ofqual Guidance on Malpractice
Collecting GCSE Examination Results
GCSE results will be available to collect from the Academy on GCSE results day. If you are unable to attend on this date, please leave a ‘large stamp letter envelope’, self-addressed and stamped (a large letter stamp costs 98p) with Reception before the end of term, and your results will be posted out to you.
Collection of GCSE Certificates
GCSE Certificates will be available to collect from the Academy from Term 3, We would ask you make contact with Reception before you arrive to collect your Certificates. [email protected] or call 0117 4408900. Please remember it must be the Certificate holder only unless the collector has a signed note giving permission to collect on the Certificate holder’s behalf.