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Physical Education

Key Contacts

Mr E Swanton – [email protected] – Curriculum Leader for Physical Education and Associate Assistant Principal

Department Teaching Staff:

Mr P Arnold

Mrs R Roberts

Mrs S Goater

Mrs E Baker

Mr D Cash

At Hanham Woods Academy, the Physical Education Department strives to develop and improve all students’ ability, knowledge and understanding across the curriculum. We aim to develop vital life skills through the context of being healthy, active and physical literacy.

Physical Education aims to develop personal and social life skills. Personal Skills: motivation, determination, confidence, physical competence, cognitive thinking, creative skills. We also work to improve Social Skills: leadership, communication, working effectively with others.

We are very lucky to have some excellent facilities here at Hanham Woods Academy and students will have opportunities to use them all. In KS3 students enjoy participating in a wide range of sports and activities. We work very hard to make Physical Education at Hanham Woods Academy as enjoyable and as inclusive as possible.  To enable you to get most from your PE lessons and make the most progress we have some simple expectations of you; bring your kit, be open-minded, have a go at all activities and try hard!

Hanham Woods Academy PE Kit: You need to make sure that you have a house colour polo shirt, rugby shirt and sports fleece (optional), black shorts or skort (girls), long black football/rugby socks, white socks, long black socks, trainers, football boots (optional for girls), gum shield, shin pads (optional). Remember, even if you’re not actively participating due to injury, you need to bring your kit!

Physical Education

To find out more about what’s going on in the Hanham Woods Academy PE department, please follow our twitter page @HanhamPE.

Key Stage 3 Teaching arrangements

Throughout KS3 students are placed into mixed ability boys and girls groups. Students have 2 X 50 minute lessons each week.

Key Stage 4 Teaching arrangements

Throughout KS4 students are placed into mixed ability boys and girls groups. Students have 2 X 50 minute lessons each week.

Curriculum Overview

The PE Curriculum Statement sets out the vision and intent for the curriculum in Physical Education (PE).

The PE Curriculum Map sets out an overview of the curriculum in Physical Education (PE) from Years 7 through to Year 11.  Among other things, it sets out what is studied, why it is studied, as well as the keywords needed in each year.  Students and parents are likely to find this useful.

At Hanham Woods Academy we encourage students to think like a Sports Person in their Physical Education (PE) lessons.  The Hanham Thinkers PE poster summarises what that means.