My Child at School (MCAS) – Year 8 & 9 Parent/Carer Access to MCAS only – Launch Monday 24th February 

Year 8 & 9 Parent/Carer Access to MCAS only – Launch Monday 24th February 

Dear Parent/Carer,

My Child at School (MCAS)

I am writing to give you further information about our student and parent apps which is being launched this term.  The app will be able to share a wide range of information about your child’s progress at school including:

  1. Communication and information notices from the school.
  2. Attendance
  3. Positive Behaviour
  4. School Reports
  5. Timetable
  6. You will also be able to update your contact details.

You will receive an email invitation on Monday 24th February to access the website . The email will be sent to the email address you used when enrolling your child at the Academy. This will allow you access to see your child’s progress at school. Should you not receive an invite please check your junk inbox, before contacting us on [email protected]

Instructions for registering can be found here Registration Guide  You can also download the “MyChildAtSchool” app, which is available once you have signed up to the website.

It is important that you take the time to install the app to your device as this will be the main form of communication, as all letters and correspondence will be sent via the app once this has been launched.

We hope that it will be a smooth transition for everyone. If you do experience any problems signing up or with the app, please contact us using the following email [email protected], where we will be able to help you.


Karen Cooper

Executive Assistant to SLT