MyChildAtSchool (MCAS) at Hanham Woods Academy
Dear Parents/carers
MyChildAtSchool (MCAS) at Hanham Woods Academy
Following the recent changes to our Managing Information System, we are pleased to announce that we are now able to launch the ‘MyChildAtSchool’ (MCAS) app for parents and carers. We hope that all families will be able to sign up to the app (or web-based version). This will keep you informed about your child’s attendance, behaviour, and progress.
What is MCAS?
MyChildAtSchool (MCAS) is a portal that can enable parents/carers to view their child’s attendance, behaviour, and academic performance in real-time via a web browser or mobile app. This facility allows exclusive access to key academic dates, attendance information and the personal details the school holds for you and your child.
Once you have signed up to the MCAS app, you will be able to access the following through the mobile application or web-based version:
- Communication and information notices from the school.
- Attendance
- Positive Behaviour
- School Reports
- Timetable
- You will also be able to update your contact details.
There is more information that will eventually be able to share via this app, however in the initial roll out, we want to ensure it works well and not overwhelm you with information.
We are encouraging you all to take the time to install the app to your device as this will be the main form of communication, as all letters and correspondence will be sent via the app once this has been launched.
We hope that it will be a smooth transition for everyone. If you do experience any problems signing up or with the app, please contact us using the following email [email protected] where we will be able to help you.
We plan to launch this by Year groups.
- Year 7 – Monday 20th January 2025
- Years 8 & 9 – Monday 24th February 2025
- Years 10 & 11 – Monday 24th March 2025
You will receive a further letter with instructions on how to sign up to MCAS, this will use the email address you used when enrolling your child at the Academy. If your email address has changed, please use the following link to notify us so that we can get this updated. This will allow you access to see your child’s progress at school. Should you not receive an invite, please contact us at [email protected]
Yours sincerely
Mr S O’Callaghan
Academy Principal