MyChildAtSchool (MCAS) – Registration Instructions for Parents
- Email Registration
You will receive an invite to the email address we hold for you at the Academy.
Should you not receive an email invite, or your email invite has expired, please contact [email protected] to request a new one.
You have 24 hours before the link expires to complete the signup.
- Password Creation Page
On this page you will need to enter a secure password and repeat this password.
Once added, click “Create Password”
Password requirements:
- 8 or more characters
- 1 uppercase character
- 1 numeric character
- 1 special character
- 1 lowercase character
- Password Creation Confirmation
You will receive this confirmation message when your password creation has been successful on your browser.
- Email Confirmation of MCAS Password Created
You will receive this confirmation email once your password has been successfully created.
You can then click the to navigate to the login page.
- MCAS Parent Login
You will now be able to successfully login to MCAS using your email and password (created).
You will also have the option to download the MyChildAtSchool app from the IOS / Play Store.
For support or help with registering please contact [email protected]