Y11 Intervention

Dear parents and carers of year 11,

We are pleased to announce that our intervention support program will continue on January 13th. We will continue to follow a 2-week timetable with core subjects of English, Maths, and science on week 1 and option subjects on week 2.

Students will have the opportunity to stay after school from 3-4pm for targeted instruction and revision to set them up for success for their exams.

Your support is essential in helping students make positive choices for their revision. Attendance to intervention makes a significant difference to final grade outcomes and will give the young person you are supporting the best chance of success.

Y11 Intervention

In addition, students will be set revision for completion during the Christmas holidays. This can be found on `show my homework`. Students need time to relax but must also be encouraged to take some time for revision. Encouraging students to complete an hour per day over the holidays will really set them up for success.

Thank you in advance for your help and support with this initiative.


Kind regards,

Nicholas Tucker

Year 11 coordinator