Key Contacts
Mrs T Wolyn – [email protected]– Head of Social Science
Mr Nicholas Tucker – Teacher of Sociology and PSHE
Curriculum Information
Sociology is one of the KS4 options available to Hanham Woods Academy students within the Social Sciences department.
We are extremely privileged to be one of the only schools in Bristol offering this subject as a GCSE option. The majority of students do not get to experience Sociology until Post 16.
Put simply, Sociology is the study of society however the experience of being a Sociology student is so much more than that. Students show themselves to have a much greater understanding of the world around them, improved communication skills, both orally and in their written work, as well as being able to make links between all of their studies. They may not continue with Sociology as a subject past GCSE but what they learn will stay with them no matter the career they go on to achieve.
Although Sociology can lead into any career, those that are most popular include the following sectors:
- Education
- Police
- Social work
- Sales and marketing
- Advertising
- Social care
- Medicine
- Health care
- Public services
- Armed forces
- Research