Student Wellbeing
The School Nursing Service is available to all children and young people living, or at school/college within the Bristol and South Gloucestershire Local Authority area, as a first point of contact for advice and signposting.
The School Health Nurse works in partnership with a variety of professionals which includes:
- Community Doctors
- Speech and Language Therapists
- Physiotherapists
- Occupational Therapists
- Barnardos
- Off The Record
- CAMHS (child and adolescent mental health services)
- Children’s Learning Disability Team
- Lifetime
- Family Nurse Partnership
- Early Help/Social care
The school nurse at Hanham Woods Academy is Tracey Baker and she is available for students to speak to every Tuesday lunchtime.
This is a free, confidential, non-judgemental, open access service for young people which provides help, support, guidance and advice on a wide range of health issues. Students also have access to the C Card Scheme for keeping their sexual health safe.
There is also School Nursing website which parents/carers may wish to explore and this has some useful resources to help with children and young peoples’ health – you can access this website by clicking on the following link
School Health Nursing – CCHP | Community Children’s Health Partnership