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Young Carers

Young Carers are children and young people who look after someone in their family who has a disability, a long-term illness, or is affected by mental ill health or substance misuse. Young carers may look after parents, care for a sibling, or another family member. Some students may not realise that they are young carers.

We are aware that some students at Hanham Woods Academy are young carers.

As an Academy, we are committed to offer extra support and ensure that young carers can enjoy school and achieve the best outcomes in all aspects of their lives.   To support this, we have a designated Young Carer Lead, Miss Hannah Davies, who can be contacted by emailing [email protected] or by calling the Main Reception on 0117 440 8900.

Please feel free to contact Miss Davies if you want to know more, or you think yourself or your child may be a young carer.