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Academy Update – Term 6

Dear Parents/Carers

We have had a really successful Term 6 so far and with a couple of weeks to go until the summer holidays there are a few updates that I thought would be useful to share with you.

This letter contains information regarding:

  • Year 10 English Spoken Language Assessment: Monday 11th-Friday 15th July
  • Festival of Sport: Wednesday 13th July
  • Last day of term arrangements: Thursday 21st July
  • Changes to Pastoral staffing from September 2022

Year 10 English Spoken Language Assessment: Monday 11th-Friday 15th July:

All Year 10 students will have their English Spoken Language Assessment from Monday 11th to Friday 15th July. Students have been notified of their assessment time (5–10-minute slot per student) and the date – they have been prepared by their English teachers.

Festival of Sport: Wednesday 13th of July:

Festival of Sport is fast approaching. This event is a real celebration of all sports and an inclusive event. All students are expected to contribute and participate. Students will be competing within their Year Group, with points they win contributing towards their House total. It is hoped this event will prove to be an enjoyable experience for all and will give students greater opportunities to feel part of a team.

The Festival of Sport will start at 8:30am with a tutor registration and will continue throughout the day with students taking part in a variety of activities. All students will be required to compete in at least two events throughout the day. Competitions will finish at approximately 2:15pm. This will be followed by a House tug-of-war event and presentations and the Academy day will finish as normal at 3pm.

Please ensure your child wears correct PE kit to the Academy that day.

Conham – Red

Hencliff – Yellow

Bickley – Green

Cleeve – Blue

Due to the nature of the day, your child will be outside for several hours; therefore, they should bring and wear a sun hat and sunscreen. During break and lunchtime, students will have opportunities to sit in the shade.

The Friends of Hanham Woods Academy will be running a tuck shop with sweets, treats and ice-creams available to purchase throughout the day. All students should bring at least one refillable bottle of drinking water for the day. Aspens, our school caterers, will provide a barbeque style lunch with sausages and burgers available to purchase on this day; children entitled to a free school meal will of course still receive this.

Last Day of Term Arrangements // Finish at 12:30pm:

The last day of term is Thursday 21st July 2022. Students will have normal lessons up until break time. After break, students will have extended time with their tutor and an end of year assembly before being released to go home at 12:30pm. Students entitled to a free school meal will be able to collect a packed lunch before they leave, as long as they have let us know they require one. The Friends of Hanham Woods Academy will be running a tuck shop with sweets and treats at break time.

Changes to Pastoral Staffing from September 2022:

Pastoral support for students is an important part of our Academy. We have been successful in recruiting a fifth Pastoral Leader, Miss Foley (who starts in September). We have also spent some time reflecting on the current structure and have made some changes that are due to come into place in September 2022:

Year groupYear Teams from September 2022
Pastoral LeaderSLT Academic Lead
7Mrs SmithMr Stewart
8Mrs StephensMrs Hurrell
9Miss ThorneMrs Gardner
10Miss FoleyMr Littlejohns
11Mrs ThurstonMrs Tushingham
  • Pastoral Leaders will be responsible for supporting students and families with safeguarding, attendance, mental health & wellbeing, and behaviour.
  • SLT Academic Leads will focus on the academic progress of students whilst providing additional support to Pastoral Leaders.

I will write to you again before the end of term to let you know about the start of term arrangements for September 2022.  In the meantime, thank you for your continued support of the Academy.

Dream Big, Work Hard, Be Kind.

Kind Regards

Mr S O’Callaghan | Academy Principal