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Academy Awards Evening – 26th June 2025 – Introductory Letter

Dear Parents/Carers 

I wanted to take this opportunity to write and inform you about our annual Academy Awards Evening which will take place on Thursday 26th June 2025.  This is an evening when we recognise and celebrate the achievements of a number of our students across Years 7 to 10.  These achievements are not only academic but are also specific to individual achievements whether that be in the community or for charity. 

For students to win an award, they are nominated by Curriculum and Subject Leaders – this is not always for the highest achievements but can also be for the most progress made or demonstrating an excellent attitude to learning. Heads of House and Pastoral Leaders also nominate students for awards for a whole variety of reasons e.g. overcoming a personal challenge, outstanding attendance, supporting and helping others and the list goes on.  During the evening, we will also be recognising and celebrating the achievements of those students involved with the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme. 

In essence, the awards are based on the Academy’s values of Dream BIG // Work Hard // Be Kind. 

As you can see, there are lots of opportunities for your child(ren) to be recognised for their achievements; however, it is not possible to invite and award every child in the Academy and our Academy Rewards system (house points, WoW cards, end of term rewards, etc) aims to ensure that all our children are recognised and rewarded at various points throughout the academic year. 

Nominations for awards will start to be collated during Term 5 and if your child has been selected to receive an award, you will be notified of this in the coming weeks.  If your child is selected then we would urge you and your child to attend this special occasion on 26th June, which will take place at the St Michael’s Centre, North Road, Stoke Gifford, Bristol.  It is a really special evening and all details will be sent to you should your child be nominated. 

I hope the above helps to provide some clarification on how and why students are selected for this awards evening; however, if you require any further clarification then please do not hesitate to make contact. 

Yours sincerely 

Mr S O’Callaghan | Academy Principal