Academy High Expectations
Dear Parents/Carers,
At Hanham Woods Academy our aim is simple: we want to give students the best chance of success. Recovery from the Covid pandemic is about ensuring students have positive mental health in order to secure great academic outcomes and unlock brighter futures. Routine, structure and clear boundaries are a key factor in achieving these aims. In order to continue our improvement journey, we have adapted some of our existing rules in order to fit with our culture of high expectations. I wanted to take this opportunity to clarify and remind you of a few of our expectations:
Punctuality to Lessons
The most successful schools in the country maximise every second of available time, and successful students move purposefully to all lessons and arrive on time. Students who regularly arrive late to lessons will be missing out on valuable learning time. Students arriving late to lessons is also disruptive for the rest of the class. It is possible to walk from one side of the Academy site to the other in under 2 minutes (at a leisurely pace). and with this in mind, from Monday 10th May, if a student arrives:
- 3 minutes after the bell (without a note explaining their lateness) they will receive a 1st warning
- 5 minutes after the bell (without a note explaining their lateness) they will be referred to the Inclusion Area
Mobile Phone Ban
Mobile phones should not be seen or heard at any point during the Academy day. This is to give students a valuable break from screen time and help improve their mental health and wellbeing. It also reduces a potential distraction during lesson time. If a mobile phone is seen or heard during the Academy day, it will be confiscated and handed into Reception. Students will be able to collect their phone at the end of the Academy day. If you need to contact your child during the Academy day, please call reception and a message will be passed on. If a student needs to contact home, they need to go the Academy’s pastoral hub where a member of staff will help facilitate a phone call home.
Academy Uniform
Uniform plays an important role in creating a sense of belonging to the community of Hanham Woods. Students are expected to be in full uniform every day except on the days they have PE. On these occasions students are able to come to the Academy in their Academy PE kit. Precise detail of the Academy uniform can be found here:
We have already communicated these expectations to students through a series of messages in tutor time and we will continue to remind, encourage and support students to meet our expectations in order to give them the best chance of success.
Thank you for your continued support.
Yours sincerely
Mr O’Callaghan | Vice Principal
Mrs Hutchinson |Assistant Principal