Academy Principal’s Letter to Year 11 Parents/Carers
Dear Parent / Carer
In any ‘normal’ year your child would have now finished their GCSE examinations and would today be coming off roll at Hanham Woods Academy; but this is not a ‘normal’ year.
First, in a change to all previous communication, your child will NOT be coming off roll today. This is to ensure continuity of support and allow those in receipt of free school meals to continue to claim their vouchers. We will communicate the date that Year 11 students will come off roll in due course.
Second, your child has not sat their GCSE examinations. Students and parents/carers have had a mixed response to this but the majority feel deflated about the opportunity to sit their GCSE exams being taken away. I can only reassure you that we have undertaken a rigorous and robust process to award centre assessed grades, which has involved teachers and leaders from within and beyond the Academy; I would also urge you to encourage your child to try and move on from these feelings – we must not allow COVID-19 to define us. It is highly unusual but they will be awarded GCSE grades and in years to come they will not be disadvantaged by not having physically sat their exams. They have all performed exceptionally well throughout their academic lives and this is what we should focus on.
We are still awaiting further clarity but we believe GCSE results will be issued in the same way as previous years in that we will receive their grades and distribute them to the students. With uncertainty about Government guidance and infection rates, we are drawing up multiple plans covering all eventualities. Our preference is to invite students into the Academy on their results day on Thursday 20th August 2020 to receive their results in person. If this is not possible we will ensure results are issued in the most efficient way.
I have circulated a video via social media to the students. If you have not seen this it is available here:
(Please ignore the section about coming off roll on the 26th June as this video was made prior to that decision)
Finally, can I take this opportunity to thank you for your ongoing support before and during the COVID-19 crisis. As an Academy we rely on parental partnership and the support you have given both your child and the Academy will mean they are set up well to be successful, confident individuals who make a positive contribution to society.
Many thanks
Mr S T Kneller
Academy Principal