Attendance Information for Parents/Carers – September 2022
Dear Parents/Carers
We would like to extend our thanks to our parents/carers for supporting your child/ren to attend the Academy and engage so well with their learning during the last academic year. We know that this reflects the value you as families place on children learning in school every day. We are looking forward to working with all our existing and new students and families in this new academic year, to support best attendance and learning.
At the Academy, we expect our students to attend school every day as we believe that children who attend school every day are more likely to feel settled in school, maintain friendships, and progress academically. Attending school on time every day helps students form good habits which can stay with them throughout their educational journey and on into the workplace.
Return to School Arrangements
The first day and week of term are very important in helping students to settle into the Academy. We know that children who attend every day during the first week of term are more likely to attend well over the year. They also settle more quickly into the new academic year. Thank you for your support in ensuring your child returns to school on the first day of term.
- Monday 5th September – Year 7 and Year 11
- Tuesday 6th September – all academic Year Groups
Academy support
Please remember that pastoral staff are here to help and support your child at the Academy so please do get in touch if you need support or wish to discuss anything with us. You can contact us by calling Reception on 0117 440 8900 or email [email protected]. We can support your child best when they are in school and have outlined below some important information about attendance expectations at Hanham Woods Academy.
Arriving at the Academy On Time
Arriving at the Academy on time is essential for the student’s own learning; it encourages habits of good timekeeping and lessens any possible classroom disruption. When a student arrives late, they miss important events like assembly, tutor time and teacher instructions and introductions.
Students can arrive from 8am where the canteen is open for breakfast and early morning drinks and snacks.
- All students should arrive at the Academy by the latest time of 8.30am – after this time students will receive a late detention and will be marked as Late (L) on the register.
- All students who arrive after 9.30am will be marked as a U
Students should attend the Academy every day, unless they are unwell. If your child attends the Academy, but feels worse during the Academy day, they should speak to their pastoral leader and we will contact you. If your child is absent from the Academy, please notify the attendance team before 8.30am on each day of the absence. To report an absence, contact the Attendance Team on 0117 440 8900 / Option 2 or email [email protected] explaining your child’s symptoms, when the symptoms started, and when you expect your child to return to the Academy.
By law, schools must record all student absences and whether the absence is authorised or unauthorised.
Medical/Dental Appointments
Please try to avoid medical and dental appointments in school time. If this is unavoidable, arrange appointments so that the minimum school time is lost. Unless it is an emergency appointment, parents/carers are expected to let the Academy know about the appointment in advance. You should also provide evidence of the appointment, such as an appointment letter or card. Your child should still attend school for as much of the Academy day as possible.
Unexplained Absences
The Academy will follow up any student absences where the parent/carer has not contacted us to explain why, or where we are unclear about the actual reason for absence. If no reason for the child’s absence is received then the absence will be recorded as unauthorised. Where the Academy has cause for concern about the actual reason for a student’s absence, staff may seek additional information or evidence from parents/carers regarding the absence, and/or make a home visit to verify the reason. Persistent absence and Unauthorised absences may result in School attendance procedures and ultimately can result in Penalty Notice’s being issued or Prosecution.
Important Reminder about Term Time Leave
The Academy will not authorise any leave of absence in term time, other than for exceptional absence. This decision is taken by the Attendance Lead and/or the Principal. Any absence requests should be sent to the Academy in writing. Absence request forms are available from reception or via the website. Unauthorised term time leave may result in a Penalty Notice being issued
Every day our safeguarding for children is our top priority, as we have a duty of care to ensure they are safe. If we don’t know why a child is absent, we will follow our safeguarding procedures which includes truancy texts and confirmation texts following any absences.
To assist parents/carers in booking holidays and arranging other events, please find detailed below the term dates and inset days for this academic year. Our term date information can also be found on the Academy website.
Yours sincerely
Mrs Jane Thurston | Attendance Lead