Home » Letters Home » Beauty & the Beast Production-Monday 27th March to Friday 31st March

Beauty & the Beast Production-Monday 27th March to Friday 31st March


RE: Beauty & the Beast Production-Monday 27th March to Friday 31st March

Dear Parents and Carers,

We are really looking forward to you coming to watch the Production next week. Students have been working really hard this week to polish their performance and to ensure that we are ready for our first Dress and Tech rehearsals on Monday.

To help with the smooth running of the production, please support your child with the following:

  • Students go through their dialogue and song lyrics at home.
  • Students arrive on time to the Academy.
  • Students arrive in rehearsal clothes (B&tB T-shirts and black trousers/skirt).
  • Set and Tech students are dressed in black clothing.
  • Students have the correct costumes
  • Chorus members with long hair have their hair tied up in a bun.
  • Students bring a bottle of water.
  • Students bring a packed lunch or order a baguette/sandwich at break time.
  • Students are dropped off and collected on time.
  • We are made aware of any child who has permission to walk home on their own (recommended with friends)

On the next page, there is an outline of how the week will look, when students are required and what actions they need to take so that we are ready for the curtains to go up.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us via email.

Thank you again for all your support and encouragement throughout the process.

Yours Sincerely,

Nicola Hurrell

Associate Assistant Principal

Head of Drama




DayTutor TimeLesson 1 & 2Lesson 3Lesson 4Lesson 5 & 6After school
MondayStudents to go to the Music Room to get ready and be registered. Students can arrive on site from 8am.Students in the Hall.

Team Belle will be performing to Year 7.

Normal LessonsStudents to go to the Music Room to get ready and be registered and get ready for PM performance.


Students in Music Room to be registered.

Students in Hall.

Team Beast will be performing to Christchurch Primary.

Students to leave site at the end of the day.
TuesdayStudents to go to the Drama Studio to get ready and be registered. Students can arrive on site from 8am.Students in the Hall.

Team Beast will be performing to Year 8-Year 10 Reward Students.

Normal LessonsStudents to go to the Drama Studio to get ready and be registered and get ready for PM performance.


Students in Drama Studio to be registered.

Students in Hall.

Team Belle will be performing to Hanham Abbotts Primary.

Students to leave site at the end of the day.
WednesdayNormal LessonsNormal LessonsNormal LessonsNormal LessonsNormal LessonsStudents to leave site at the end of the day and return at 6pm to get ready for the evening performance. Performance will start at 7pm. Students to be collected at 8.30pm.
ThursdayNormal LessonsNormal LessonsNormal LessonsNormal LessonsNormal LessonsStudents to leave site at the end of the day and return at 6pm to get ready for the evening performance. Performance will start at 7pm. Students to be collected at 9pm.
FridayNormal LessonTidy up in HallTidy up in HallTidy up in HallNormal LessonsStudents to leave site at the end of the day.