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Children’s Mental Health Week (6th-10th February 2023)

Dear Parents/Carers

Hanham Woods Academy will be taking part in Children’s Mental Health Week (6th-10th February 2023). This year’s theme is ‘Let’s Connect’.

Let’s Connect’ is about making meaningful connections. People thrive in communities, and this connection is vital for our wellbeing. When we have healthy connections – to family, friends and others – this can support our mental health and our sense of wellbeing.

For Children’s Mental Health Week 2023, we’re encouraging people to connect with others in healthy, rewarding and meaningful ways.

Students have received a special assembly from Kooth this week and will take part in a variety of Tutor Time activities and PSHE lessons next week centred around the ‘Let’s Connect’ theme.

To find out more about this project and this year’s theme you can access a range of informative resources on the Children’s Mental Health Week website:


If you would like further information or guidance in supporting your child’s mental health, we would highly recommend Kooth (for free, safe and anonymous online support and counselling) and Off The Record (a mental health social movement by and for young people aged 11-25), please see the links below:



If you have any concerns about the content of the week’s activities or would like to find out more, please do not hesitate to contact myself, your child’s Pastoral or Academic Lead.

Yours Sincerely

Mrs N Hurrell | Associate Assistant Principal (Personal Development)