Consultation on Academy Uniform Expectations
Dear Parents/Carers
Thank you for your support in maintaining high standards across the Academy. Visitors to the Academy frequently comment on how well-presented and well-mannered our students are. We know that by setting high standards of uniform in the Academy we are setting up students well for the world of work, in which most people are either expected to wear a uniform or adhere to a dress code. It is a symbol by which students are recognised within the community and it fosters a sense of pride for, and respect of, the learning environment.
To summarise, the purpose of this letter is to consult you on our plans for Academy uniform in the coming weeks.
All students must wear full Academy uniform and present themselves in a professional manner.
It is important to note that we are considering the following:
From 28th February 2022 the following items will not be allowed to be worn to the Academy, even if the Academy is provided with a note from home.
- Trainers, including black leather trainers that are unlabelled. The most popular style Nike Air Force 1 must not be worn to the Academy.
- Skirts that DO NOT stay at the knee when worn; this is in keeping with professional standards, where skirt lengths would be expected to be knee length. At present, some skirts are shorter than this, I ask that you review this with your child.
- Leggings and jeans.
- Students must not be in branded sportswear for PE, either the Academy’s sports kit or unbranded kit must be worn.
To give your thoughts on these items, please complete the short form below:
Academy Uniform Expectations Survey
Best wishes,
Anya Peyton | Assistant Principal