Covid-19 Measures Update – 12th November 2021
Dear Parents/Carers
You will be aware that additional Covid protocols have been in place at Hanham Woods Academy since half term.
Due to the rising numbers of Covid cases in our area, when we returned to the Academy after the half term break, our local Director of Public Health requested an increase in our measures to curb the spread of infections for at least the first two weeks of term.
Positive Covid cases in the South West are continuing to rise and we have now been advised to continue with these additional measures until at least the end of November.
What We Are Doing as An Academy
- We will not be holding large gatherings with mixed age groups until at least the end of November.
- We will continue to enhance our cleaning routines.
- We will keep spaces well ventilated; this may occasionally mean that your child will be invited to wear their coat indoors.
- We will continue to support the wider vaccination programme and share any information that is passed to us about how those who are not yet vaccinated may access this service.
What We Need our Families To Do
Your child should continue to come to the Academy with a face covering until at least the end of November. They should expect to wear this throughout the day in communal areas. They should expect to wear this throughout the day, with the exception of those who are exempt from wearing a face covering for health reasons (if this is the case, please let us know). It would be sensible to ensure that your child has spares in their coat pocket and in their bag.
- Students should continue to take lateral flow tests at home twice weekly for the coming weeks.
- Please ensure that your child stays at home if they are unwell with Covid symptoms. They must continue to stay at home until 48 hours after the fever passes. They should do so even if they have tested negative for Covid 19.
- If someone in your household tests positive, your child may still come to school until their own PCR test result comes through if they take a lateral flow test each day and continue to receive a negative result.
Thank you for your considerable support throughout this period, and for your flexibility in continuing to work with these new, revised arrangements.
We will continue to keep you updated with any changes as we are asked to make them in the interests of public health.
Yours sincerely
Mr S O’Callaghan | Academy Principal