Covid-19 Update
Dear Parents/Carers
As you will be aware, there has been a small increase in positive Covid-19 cases nationwide, and in line with this national picture, we have seen a small increase in positive cases amongst students in the Academy. Having spoken with Public Health England, they have confirmed that the risk of transmission in the Academy remains low.
We will continue to follow our current safety measures (see below) and in addition increase the frequency of cleaning for the last few days of term to ensure the risk of transmission remains low.
Please can you continue to support by encouraging your child to complete weekly LFT (Lateral Flow Tests) at home for the near future.
- If testing positive on LFT, students must not come into the Academy. They must complete a PCR test and notify the Academy of the result.
If your child develops symptoms of Covid-19 (high temperature or new continuous cough or change/loss of smell/taste), they are advised to get a PCR test and can only return to the Academy if the result is negative. If a positive PCR result is returned then your child will need to self-isolate, following the NHS test and trace guidance. Please continue to keep the Academy updated if your child has symptoms or is awaiting the result of a PCR test.
I would also like to take this opportunity to signpost you to a joint letter from the new Secretaries of State for Education and Health to parents/carers:
Letter from Secretaries of State for Education and Health
Thank you again for your continued support.
Dream Big // Work Hard // Be Kind
Kind Regards
Mr O’Callaghan | Academy Principal