Covid Update – 1st February 2022
Dear Parents/Carers
You may be aware that guidance regarding face coverings in schools has changed recently, meaning they are no longer required.
Our case rates are currently low, and to keep them this way in the lead up to half term, we are going to continue to recommend that face coverings are worn in communal spaces around the Academy site. This means students will need to continue to wear face coverings in the following communal areas when:
- entering buildings from outside / corridors
- changing for PE
- in assembly
- in the Canteen or Foyer (e.g. queuing up to purchase lunch)
The above does not apply to students who are medically exempt from wearing face coverings.
Students will not be required to wear face coverings when:
- outside
- in lessons
- eating or drinking in the Canteen or Foyer
To mitigate potential transmission will also continue to:
- Keep classrooms and other spaces well ventilated
- Keep enhanced cleaning routines
- Encourage regular LFT testing
As we continue to navigate through the challenges the pandemic provides, your continued support is appreciated.
Yours sincerely
Mr O’Callaghan | Academy Principal