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End of Term 2 Letter

Dear Parents / Carers

Thank you for your continued support as we begin the buildup to the end of term and the Christmas break. Students have worked really hard this term and have achieved a lot (much of which will be celebrated in assemblies next week and in the release of our termly newsletter).

I am writing to you to provide a few updates regarding the end of term arrangements and the start of next term.

End of Term Arrangements:

  • Week beginning Monday 16th December: Rewards Assemblies throughout the week celebrating student success.
  • Wednesday 18th December: Academy Christmas Dinner – for more information, please click the following link: Academy Christmas Dinner:
  • Friday 20th December: Last Day of Term
    • Christmas Jumper Day / Non-uniform Day for a £1 donation
    • Students will finish at midday on Friday 20th December
    • If your child(ren) is in receipt of Free School Meals and would like a packed lunch to take home on the last day, please complete the following form: https://forms.office.com/e/GSPpTfU54G

Start of Term 3:

  • Monday 6th January 2025: INSET training day for staff only
  • Tuesday 7th January 2025: all students return to the Academy (on site ready to start tutor at 08:30)

In preparation for a strong start, please ensure your child is in the correct uniform and equipped for their learning. For a reminder about Academy uniform policy, click HERE

To view details of Academy events for the rest of the academic year please, click HERE

Dream BIG // Work Hard // Be Kind

Mr O’Callaghan | Principal