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End of Term 3/Start of Term 4 Letter

Dear Parents / Carers, 

Thank you again for your continued support during Term 3; in particular, your kind messages of supporting during our Ofsted inspection earlier in the term (we will share further detail of the inspection as soon as we can). It has been another remarkable term at Hanham Woods with so many events, successes and continued improvement.  

Please take a moment to read our Academy Newsletter for Term 3 (below) which contains lots of information regarding what has been happening in the Academy across the term. 

Term 3 Newsletter: Term 3 Newsletter 

Term 4 Start Date for Students: Tuesday 25th February 2025 

Term 4 Key Dates: https://hanhamwoodsacademy.clf.uk/events/ 

Year 7 Parents Evening (Online) – Thurs 27th February – To read more, including how to book appointments, please click on the following link: Year 7 Virtual Parent’s Evening – Thursday 27th February 2025 – 4pm to 7pm 

MCAS (My Child at School) Update: 

Thank you to those Year 7 parents/carers who have already signed up and downloaded the MCAS app. If you are a Year 7 parent/carer that has yet to download the app and sign in, please can you do this. The long term plan is to use MCAS as our main source of communicating with you, replacing our existing text messaging system. For recent communication see here: https://hanhamwoodsacademy.clf.uk/blog/my-child-at-school/  

Other Year Groups will shortly receive information regarding further roll out of MCAS. A reminder of the communication / implementation dates for different Year Groups is below: 

  • Year 7 – Monday 20th January 2025 
  • Years 8 & 9 – Monday 24th February 2025 
  • Years 10 & 11 – Monday 24th March 2025 

Term 4 // First Day for Students: Tuesday 25th February 2025 

With Term 4 on the horizon, we will be looking to re-establish our expectations with students, particularly around uniform / equipment to ensure they are Ready to Learn, whilst developing their character further through our character curriculum. Your support is vital to the ongoing success of students. Please ensure your child is ready for the start of Term 4: 


It is important that students are properly equipped every day so that they are ready to learn. All students are required to bring a bag to school. An equipment check will be carried out daily in tutor time to ensure students are ready to learn. Students are not required to bring scissors or pencil sharpeners into the Academy as these are provided in lessons. Academy equipment requirements can be found here: https://hanhamwoodsacademy.clf.uk/our-academy/uniform-equipment/

Students can purchase a pencil case (containing the correct equipment) from reception for £1.50. If you need support with equipment, please do get in contact so that we can help.   


The Academy uniform is an important part of our community and building a sense of belonging. It is one piece in the building blocks of creating a culture of high expectations and high achievement through an inclusive, supportive environment. All students are expected to be in full Academy uniform every day. If a student arrives at the academy in the incorrect uniform, we will support students in the following ways to meet our expectations: 

  • offer uniform items to borrow (if available) 
  • ask to go home and change (in agreement with parents/carers) 
  • ask to work in the Inclusion Area until the correct uniform is delivered to the Academy by parents/carers 

End of Term 3/Start of Term 4 Letter

More information about our uniform expectations can be found here: https://hanhamwoodsacademy.clf.uk/our-academy/uniform-equipment/ 

A reminder of our Academy Year Teams: 

End of Term 3/Start of Term 4 Letter

Please also take time to familiarise yourself with our Academy expectations below ahead of Term 4, your support in upholding our standards is appreciated as we work together to give students the best chance of success.  

Academy Rules 

No mobile phones: Mobile phones should be off and in bags when students arrive at the Academy gates in the morning and only be taken out of bags once they have left the main school gates. If they are seen or heard during the Academy day, the phone will be confiscated and placed securely in reception. The student will be issued with a 30 minute after Academy detention and the phone can be collected at 15:30. 

End of Term 3/Start of Term 4 Letter

No swearing 

If a student is heard casually swearing around the Academy, they will be issued with a 30 minute after Academy detention. We expect students to be polite and respectful. 

No ‘hands on’ (pushing and shoving / playfighting) 

If a student is seen pushing and shoving other students or playfighting, they will be issued with a 30 minute after Academy detention. We expect students to respect the personal space of others and conduct themselves in a safe manner around the Academy site. 

No Aerosols / Perfume sprays 

Students are not allowed to bring aerosol canisters of any description into the Academy as these pose a risk to some of our students with respiratory conditions like asthma.  If students need to use anti-perspirant during the Academy Day then we would ask that they bring the roll-on type with them.  Spray perfumes and other aerosol cannisters are not permitted. Thank you for your support with this. 

Electric Scooters:  

Electric scooters are currently illegal to ride on public highways unless a driving license and insurance is held by the rider. It is not appropriate for students to be riding e-scooters to and from the Academy and they are, therefore, banned from the Academy site. This measure is in place to protect and uphold the safety of all students as they commute to and from the Academy. If a student arrives at the Academy on an e-scooter, it will be confiscated, and you will be called and asked to come and collect it. 

Term Dates for 2024/2025: https://hanhamwoodsacademy.clf.uk/our-academy/term-dates/  

If you have any concerns or queries, please do get in touch either via email: [email protected] or phone: 0117 440 8900  

Thank you for your continued support of the Academy as work together to give people the best chance of success. 

Have a restful half term and I look forward to welcoming students back to the Academy on Tuesday 25th February 2025. Everyone at the Academy wishes you and your family a restful half term break. 

Dream BIG // Work Hard // Be Kind 

 Mr O’Callaghan Principal