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End of Term Letter – December 2021

Dear Parents / Carers

As Term 2 draws to a close, I wanted to write and express sincere gratitude for your support over the last two terms. Despite the disruption caused by the pandemic, together we have continued to give students the best chance of success. Your support, feedback and challenge has been instrumental in improving the Academy further and the impact of this has been seen by the many visitors to the Academy, including the Deputy Regional Schools Commissioner, the CLF Executive Team and other visitors from across the region who are keen to see the great things being achieved by students and colleagues.


The last day for students is Friday 17th December and we will be finishing at 12:10pm. Following an extended tutor time, whereby students will have the opportunity to celebrate their achievements from Term 2, Year Groups will be dismissed and leave site at the following times:

12:00pm: Years 10 and 11

12:10pm: Years 7, 8 and 9

Friday 17th December will also be non-uniform day: please see guidance on non-uniform dress here: Non-Uniform-Guidance.  Students  can choose one of the following options as part of the non-uniform day:

Option 1: Bring a non-perishable food item, which will be donated to the  local food banks in the Kingswood and Bristol area.

Option 2: Make a £1 donation as they enter the Academy – all monies raised will be donated to the  local food banks in the Kingswood and Bristol area.


You will be aware that the government recently announced the need to carry out onsite testing in schools at the beginning of next term. The government recommends that students complete one LFT test in the Academy at the start of term. This takes up significant staff capacity and we will need time to set up our test centre and conduct the tests appropriately. To accommodate the onsite testing the Academy will have a staggered return for students as follows:

Monday 3rd January 2022: Bank holiday

Tuesday 4th January 2022: INSET day

 Years 7,8 & 11Years 9 & 10
Wednesday 5th January 2022Test 1 (on-site): Test and return home.Online learning tasks available via Show My Homework.
Thursday 6th January 2022In the Academy, arriving from 8:10am, tutor starting at 8:30am.Test 1 (on-site): Test and return home.
Friday 7th January 2022In the Academy, arriving from 8:10am, tutor starting at 8:30am.In the Academy, arriving from 8:10am, tutor starting at 8:30am.


Specific timings for Year Group on site testing are available here: 

Student Testing Dates and Times – January 2022

Can I take this opportunity, on behalf of everyone at the Academy, to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I look forward to seeing students return to the Academy, refreshed and raring to go in 2022!

Dream Big // Work Hard // Be Kind

Yours sincerely

Mr S O’Callaghan | Academy Principal