Festival of Sport – Wednesday 12th July 2023
Dear Parents/Carers
I am writing to inform you that Hanham Wood’s Academy’s Festival of Sport is fast approaching. Following the success of previous events, this year will follow a similar format. Each student will be competing within their Year Group, with points they win contributing towards their House total. It is hoped this event will prove to be an enjoyable, inclusive experience for all and will give students greater opportunities to feel part of a team.
The Festival of Sport will start at 8:30am with a tutor registration and will continue throughout the day with students taking part in a variety of activities on a ‘carousel’. All students will be required to compete in at least two events throughout the day. Competitions will finish at approximately 2:15pm. This will be followed by a House tug-of-war event and presentations. Students will finish slightly earlier on this day, at 2:45pm, and we will dismiss students at this time. Students that use taxis to go home will be able to wait until 3pm as normal. If you wish your child to wait until 3pm rather than finish at 2:45pm, please email [email protected] and we can arrange for this to happen.
Kit and Weather Protection
Please ensure your child wears correct PE kit to the Academy on this day. If students are not wearing HWA PE kit then you will be contacted to help support them wearing the right kit and they will not be able to participate until they are correctly dressed. Jewellery is not allowed – please ensure students remove all jewellery before they attend the Academy on this day.
- Conham – Red
- Hencliff – Yellow
- Bickley – Green
- Cleeve – Blue
Due to the nature of the day, your child will be outside for several hours, therefore, they should bring and wear a sun hat and sunscreen. Please also ensure they pack a light raincoat as there may be some light rain during the day. During break and lunchtime, students will have opportunities to sit in the shade.
Arrangements for Lunch and Special Treats
Refreshments will be available to purchase throughout the day, but all student should bring at least one bottle of drinking water for the day. The Friends of Hanham Woods will be providing the popular tuck shop with:
- Sweets
- Ice Cream
- Drinks Cans
All items will be £1. Please can you provide students with coins and change rather than notes if they wish to purchase any items.
Apsens, our catering team, will be providing a special lunch menu in the form of a barbeque; children entitled to a free school meal will, of course, still receive this. If students wish to purchase lunch from the canteen they can top up their account in the usual way to buy food on this day. Students can still bring a packed lunch if they prefer to or usually do this.
Thank you for your support of this fantastic, inclusive event. Unfortunately, we cannot accommodate parent/carer spectators at Sports Day as every member of the Academy team is involved in supervising and supporting the students but we hope to share the event with you in the upcoming end of term newsletter.
Yours sincerely
Mr E J Swanton | Curriculum Leader for Physical Education