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Investin Weekend Programme

Dear Parents/ Carers,

I hope this letter finds you well.

We have been emailed by InvestIN of an opportunity that you might want your child to take part in.

InvestIN is a UK-based organisation that provides students aged 12-18 with an immersive experience of their dream career.

Students ages 15+

For students ages 15+ InvestIN is offering experiences in 19 of the world’s most desirable careers.

Programmes on offer range from the Young Psychologist Programme to Young Architect Programme to the Young Fashion Designer Programme, there is something for everyone.

For all the available programmes available please see link: Weekend Programmes: Ages 15-18

Students ages 12-14

For students ages 12-14 InvestIN is offering programmes in STEM and Medicine-related careers: Stem-medicine-weekends-ages-12-14

If your child has expressed an interest in one of the programme fields available but has not yet had the opportunity to test this out to see whether it is as they expect it to be, then this might be a good opportunity for them.

Similarly, if your child is unsure of what they want to pursue going through the programmes together might start some interest.

InvestIN are running a weekend of programmes running during November weekends, both virtually and in-person. In-person programmes are taking place in London.

The cost of the programme is £165.

All the best

Careers Department