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Lexia PowerUp Literacy – (Selected Students Only)

Dear Parent / Carer,

This year, your child will be using Lexia® PowerUp Literacy®, a computer-based program that tailors instruction to their specific literacy needs. Please find further information in the letter to attached. To develop students’ literacy beyond the school day, we would be grateful if you could support your child in using Lexia at home for at least another hour each week.

Accessing Lexia at home:

Go to HWA homepage. Click on the ‘Lexia’ tile.

Login details:

Teacher email: [email protected]

Username: use the first letter of their first name and their last name e.g. ‘Deborah Owens’ would be ‘Dowens‘; or just the last name ‘Owens

Password: Lexia

Lexia PowerUp Literacy - (Selected Students Only)

Lexia PowerUp Literacy - (Selected Students Only)


Please do contact me if you need further information.

Many thanks,

Deborah Owens

English Teacher & Literacy Coordinator