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Macbeth Trip – Thursday 1st February 2024 at 2.30pm

Dear Parent/Carer

Hanham Woods Academy’s English Department will be taking Year 11 & Year 10 students to Bristol Old Vic on Thursday 1st February 2024 at 2.30pm. This will be an excellent opportunity for students to see a live performance of Shakespeare’s Macbeth which will form part of their English Literature exam.

The performance starts at 2.30pm, and we will leaving the Academy by coach at 1.15pm. We will be returning at the end of the performance and should be back at Hanham Woods Academy by 5.30pm. Students will need to wear full Academy uniform. Students must conform to Academy rules throughout the trip and must under no circumstances leave the venue unless instructed to by a member of staff.

The cost of the trip will be £19. Free school meals students would be able to attend at a discounted cost.

If you would like your child to take part in this trip, please respond and pay £19 by noon on Friday 1st December 2023 using the online payment system which can be found at: http://www.hanhamwoods.academy/our-academy/online-payments/ . If you do not currently have access to our online payments system but need access, please contact our Finance Assistant via email: Kathryn.Davis@clf.uk

If your child is in receipt of Pupil Premium, then financial support can be offered. To apply for this, email Kathryn.Davis@clf.uk

If you would like any further information or clarification on the above, please contact me by email at anna.beadman@clf.uk

Yours faithfully

Anna Beadman | English Department