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Matilda Jr Production

Dear Parents/Carers,

We are writing to update you on our Academy Production of Matilda Jr.  As you know we have scheduled the performance to take place on the following dates:

  • Monday 4th April -Dress and Tech Rehearsal
  • Wednesday 6th April & Thursday 7th April – Matinee for Primary Schools and 7pm Performance

We will be releasing tickets for this production at the end of week commencing 28th February and beginning of week commencing 7th March.  Tickets can be purchased via our online payment system. Students will then be given paper copies of the tickets to bring home.

As you may be aware, we have double cast some of the roles and named the groups as Team Wormwood or Team Trunchbull. Team Wormwood will be performing on Wednesday and Team Trunchbull will be performing on Thursday.

We would also like to inform you of some slight changes to the upcoming rehearsals, as follows:

  • Wednesday 2nd March, 8.30-9.00am (Tutor Time) all performers are to go to the Music Room for a singing rehearsal. This will happen every Wednesday up until the Production.
  • Thursday 3rd March-Rehearsal Cancelled.
  • Monday 7th March-All Performers, Technicians, Designers and Marketing rehearsal and production meeting 3-4.30pm.
  • Tuesday 8th March-All Performers, 3-4.30pm
  • Thursday 10th March-Rehearsal Cancelled.

After the above dates, we will be rehearsing every Tuesday (Performers only) and Thursday (all). Lead roles will continue to be invited to singing rehearsals on a Monday and all performers will be required on a Wednesday 8.30-9am. We would also like to schedule a provisional additional full tech and dress rehearsal on Sunday 3rd April 10am-3pm. This will be for all cast and production teams.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with any questions or concerns.

Many Thanks

Mrs Hurrell & Miss Filain