National Lockdown (Jan 2021) Update
Dear Parent/Carer
Yesterday evening the Prime Minister announced that the UK’s coronavirus alert level has increased due to the speed with which the new variant of the virus is spreading and is now at five, the highest level, which means that there is a risk of healthcare services being overwhelmed. A new national lockdown is now in place. The Government instruction is to stay at home, with extreme measures enforced by law, while vaccines are rolled out.
As we had already planned, from Tuesday 5th January 2021 Hanham Woods Academy will be open only for the children of critical workers and those classed as vulnerable to attend on site. We will provide remote learning to be completed at home for all other students. Parents/carers who have requested a place have been contacted by text to inform them of the need to arrive between 8.20am and 8.40am and that students should wear their Academy PE kit.
All other students will be accessing online learning from Tuesday 5th January 2021. Teachers have been working hard to produce instructional videos, resources and tests/quizzes/assignments which will be released on Show My Homework. This will continue for the duration of the time these students are not attending face-to-face learning.
I cannot tell you how disappointed I am that students will not be returning to us over the next couple of weeks. I have the best job in the world, and the main reason for this is that I get to work with our amazing students every day. Whilst this will continue remotely it is not the same and I know I will miss them terribly over the coming weeks.
Free School Meals:
At the time of writing, it is too early to communicate firm plans around support for families who are in receipt of free school meals. Whilst the details are being worked through, please do contact Mrs Gardner ([email protected]) if you are in need of any support.
Year 11 Students:
We had expected that Year 11 would be able to return to the Academy from Monday 11th January 2021. This is no longer possible: remote learning will continue to be provided and monitored.
In Monday evening’s announcement the Prime Minister announced that the public examination series will not go ahead. We do not know what will replace exams at this time but please rest assured I will be working tirelessly with colleagues to ensure we get these answers as soon as possible. In the meantime, it is important that students continue to immerse themselves in learning – finishing their courses is important for them regardless of what assessment or grading is implemented and could still play a part in any decisions on grades in the future.
I cannot imagine how our young people will be feeling at hearing this news. Not having any answers for you and your child is frustrating, but we are here to support our students and if you feel your child would like to talk about their feelings please do contact their Head of House.
Bickley / Cleeve – Miss Wilshire ([email protected])
Conham / Hencliffe – Miss Smith ([email protected])
Rollout of Mass Testing:
We are currently unsure how the planned rollout of mass testing in secondary schools for asymptomatic cases of the coronavirus will be affected by the national lockdown. Once there is more clarity around this I will of course communicate this to you.
In the meantime if we can support you, your child or your family in any way please reach out using our dedicated email address [email protected]
Please do follow the national guidance – stay safe and stay positive.
Mr S T Kneller | Academy Principal