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Nut Aware Academy

Dear Parents/Carers

Safety of our students is our number one priority, and ahead of Term 2 commencing, we thought it was important that you know we have several students in our Academy that have a food allergy, one of which has a potential life-threatening reaction to nuts.

These foods, even in trace amounts, may cause a severe reaction (anaphylaxis) as a result of digestion, inhalation or any other contact.   Academy staff have been trained to recognise such a reaction and to administer medication in an emergency.

Hanham Woods Academy is a ‘Nut Aware’ Academy and our catering provider is a nut free provider, ensuring that any food purchased from them is safe.  Our Food Technology Department is also nut free.

We would also like your help to, as far as possible, keep our students safe.  You can do this by:

  • Avoiding sending your child to the Academy with any kind of nut snacks.  Where possible, please choose nut free alternatives.
  • Asking your child to ‘not share food’
  • Telling your child to get help from an adult immediately if a school friend has a reaction
  • If your child eats food containing nuts before coming to the Academy, please encourage them to wash their hands with soap and water to remove any nut residue before sending them to school.

We appreciate that this is a big change but we know that with your help and cooperation, we can do all that we can to keep all our students safe.

Yours sincerely

Mr S O’Callaghan | Academy Principal