Parent/Carer Forum – Thursday 20th March 2025 @ 5pm
Dear Parents / Carers,
As you will be aware, our next Parent/Carer forum is on Thursday 20th March 2025 from 5pm to 6pm (4.45pm arrival for a 5pm start).
Following feedback from you, this forum will be in person, on site at the Academy.
The focus for the forum will be to continue the theme of ‘communication, engagement and partnership between you and the Academy’.
In the forum there will be some brief input before splitting into smaller groups to provide feedback and engage in discussion with a member of the Senior Leadership Team about communication / engagement. We are really interested to find out and listen to your experience, and any suggestions you have to improve communication and engagement further.
If you would like to attend, please can you complete this short survey (to support our planning):
Dream BIG // Work Hard // Be Kind
Mr O’Callaghan | Academy Principal