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Partial Closure Update

Dear Parents / Carers, 

I want to take this opportunity to thank you for your kind messages of support during what has been a difficult week at the Academy. I also wanted to provide you with an update on our plans for next week. 

Whilst our hope is to have all students back in the Academy from Monday 4th April, we also need to recognise there is still a chance that our staff absence levels may continue to be problematic into next week; however, I will be unable to make a final decision until Sunday 3rd April. 

If we are unable to have all Year Groups back in the Academy next week due to staff absence, then we will be asking Years 7 and 10 to stay at home and access online learning on Monday 4th April. Please note, however, Resource Base students will still be expected to attend the Academy. 

I, along with senior colleagues, will be closely monitoring staff absence levels over the next 48 hours and will communicate our final plans to you on Sunday 3rd April. Please ensure you check the Academy website at www.hanhamwoodsacademy.clf.uk for updates. We will also send a text message to all parents/carers updating on whether the Academy will be fully open or partially closed. 

I appreciate that situations such as these can be frustrating, and would like to apologise for any inconvenience our partial closure has caused. I appreciate your patience whilst we work towards getting all students back into the Academy as soon as possible. 

Kind Regards 

Mr O’Callaghan | Academy Principal