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Personal Development Programme and Events for November in Term 2

Dear Parents/Carers

I am writing to inform you of the activities and events which are taking place during Term 2 as part of our Personal Development Programme.

This term, students will explore the following topics as part of our Tutor Time Programme and Academy Assemblies:

  • Men’s Mental Health Month
  • Remembrance Day
  • Anti-Bullying Week
  • Children in Need

Men’s Mental Health Month ‘Movember’

In response to Student Voice, we have opted to explore mental health issues, specifically looking at the this through a male lens as we raise awareness of the key causes, triggers and consequences faced by those who have suffered with mental health. We will be encouraging students to share their thoughts and opinions with the aim to reduce the stigma of mental health illnesses as well as signposting students to where they can receive support from within and outside the Academy.

Off The Record (OTR) Pop-Up

OTR is a mental health social movement by and for young people aged 11-25 living in Bristol and South Gloucestershire.  They will be visiting the Academy throughout the week beginning 27th November. Students will be able to pop in to see them at lunchtimes in SO2 for a chat or to find out more about the movement.

Remembrance Day

On Friday 10th November, we will be taking some time to recognise and commemorate those who have fought and served in the Armed Forces across the globe. We will begin the day with a recorded assembly which will be followed by a Whole Academy Parade and Remembrance Service. Students who attend Cadets, Guides and Scouts will lead their peers in this mark of respect and will be joined by Army Veteran, Allen Williams.

Anti-Bullying Week

This year’s Anti-Bullying Week takes place on Monday 13th  to Friday 17th November. The week will be kicked off with Odd Socks Day on Monday 13th November, where staff and students wear odd socks to celebrate what makes us all unique. Students will also have an assembly where we will be launching out new Anti-Bullying Policy.

Children In Need

As with previous years, we will be raising money for BBC’s Children in Need. This year our House Council Students have chosen to ‘Gunge’ Mr O’Callaghan on Friday 17th November. Students will be able to purchase raffle tickets throughout the week beginning Monday 13th November – the lucky winners will then gunge Mr O’Callaghan on the Friday afternoon – this event will be Live Streamed for all students to enjoy.

Enrichment Clubs

Please see the timetable below with details of our Extra-Curricular Programme for Term 2:

Personal Development Programme and Events for November in Term 2

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the above activities, please contact Nicola.hurrell@clf.uk for further information.

Yours sincerely

Mrs N Hurrell | Associate Assistant Principal