Results Day 2023
Dear Parents/Carers
I am writing to invite you and your child to their official results day that will take place on the following date and location:
Thursday 24th August 2023
Location: Main Hall, Hanham Woods Academy
The Academy will be open between 9.30am and 11:30am for students, parents, and carers to collect GCSE results certificates.
Students need to arrive in person to collect results or nominate another family member or friend by providing written consent naming the person nominated for collection. This written consent needs to be provided on the day along with photo ID that matches the nominee’s name.
Students will be able to access transition and careers support on the day from the CLF and Hanham teams.
Ahead of the day, you may want to access this webinar run by the Anna Freud Foundation education and mental health experts sharing practical tips and advice for supporting wellbeing and dealing with potentially stressful situations.
Supporting young people with anxiety before results day – 8th August, 2pm
We look forwards to seeing as many of you as possible on the day.
Should you have any questions, then please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Yours sincerely
Rebecca Tushingham | Assistant Principal