Rewards Activity Trip 2024 – Friday 12th July 2024
Dear Parents/Carers
I am writing to inform you that your child has achieved above average attendance and is in the top 75 students for positive conduct in their Year group, reflecting our Academy Values of Dream BIG // Work Hard // Be Kind. We would, therefore, like to invite your child to attend our Rewards Activity Trip to Hollywood Bowl, Aspects Leisure Park, Longwell Green on Friday 12th July 2024.
The trip will run in two sessions: we will be taking Year 7 & 8 students out in the morning and Year 9 & 10 students in the afternoon.
We will be travelling to and from the venue by foot, which has allowed us to significantly reduce the cost of this trip. The cost of this trip will be £8 per person, which will include an hour of bowling and a meal.
Students will be expected to wear their Academy uniform and follow the Academy’s high expectations for behaviour whilst on the trip.
If your child is wishing to attend this trip, you will need to complete the attached Medical and Essential Information Form, which can be found using the link or scanning the QR Code below as well as making the payment of £8 on SCOPAY, which is our online payment system. The deadline for payment is Wednesday 19th June at 3pm.
If you have any questions about this trip, please do contact me.
A letter of confirmation and further information will be shared closer to the trip.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs Nicola Hurrell | Associate Assistant Principal |