Rewards Trip (Years 7 to 10)
Dear Parents/Carers
Hanham Woods Academy: Rewards Activity Trip 2023
I am writing to inform you of an exciting development to our Rewards System at Hanham Woods Academy. Our student led House Council have been working hard with the Heads of House to ensure that hard work and success is recognised and rewarded.
You will already be aware that students are rewarded on a termly basis as part of our Rewards Assemblies, most recently receiving Easter Eggs, Amazon Vouchers, Certificates (Bronze-Platinum, 100% Punctuality and 100% Attendance) as well as watching our Academy Production of Beauty and the Beast.
This year, we are inviting all students the chance to partake in our Rewards Activity Trip. This is the first time in recent years whereby we are able to invite students to attend a celebration activity which takes place offsite.
House Council students have chosen to go to Hollywood Bowl, Aspects Leisure Park, Longwell Green on Tuesday 18th July 2023.
A total of 200 students (50 students from each Year Group (Years 7-10)) will be invited on the trip. Students from Year 7 and 8 will attend the trip in the morning whilst students from Year 9 and 10 will attend an afternoon trip.
Students wishing to go on this trip will need to have an overall attendance of 90% and above as well as having the top 50 conduct points for their Year Group. Letters for all eligible students will go out at the end of Term 5.
We are currently looking into significantly reducing the cost for this trip (and will be travelling to and from the venue by foot to help achieve this); however, we anticipate the cost of the trip being no more than £12.50 per person.
We would like to take this opportunity to highlight that students can gain House points through adhering to the Academy values of Dream BIG // Work Hard // Be Kind. Students must make sure that they are handing their WOW cards to their Tutors as well as asking for House points during lesson to ensure that points are logged onto our system.
If you have any questions about this trip, please do contact me.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs Nicola Hurrell | Associate Assistant Principal | [email protected]