‘Romeo & Juliet’, Tobacco Factory, Bristol – June 2024
Dear Parent/Carer
We are in the process of planning a trip to see ‘Romeo & Juliet’ by William Shakespeare and would like to offer your child the opportunity to take part in this visit. The play is a key text which students will study in Terms 5 and 6 of Year 8.
The event involves students watching a performance of the play by Flabbergast Theatre, who are bringing their production to Bristol between the 5th and 8th June. They are best known for their award-winning approach to the classics, bringing a fresh and innovative outlook that embraces physicality whilst celebrating the verse; and bringing musicality and simplicity to the storytelling. ‘Romeo & Juliet’ is a tragedy encompassing laughter and tears, beautiful poetry, bawdy jokes and some impressive swashbuckling to boot. The theatre state this production is suitable for ages 10 and above. Further information about the performance can be found here: https://tobaccofactorytheatres.com/shows/romeo-and-juliet/
The performance will take place at the Tobacco Factory Theatre in Bedminster, Bristol. It will be a matinee performance and we will be returning to Hanham Woods Academy afterwards. Students will need to wear full Academy uniform and bring a packed lunch. Students must conform to Academy rules throughout the trip and must under no circumstances leave the venue unless instructed to by a member of staff.
Voluntary contributions are necessary if this visit is to take place. The amount required to fund this visit will be confirmed once we have ascertained the number of students who wish to attend. No student will be omitted from the visit should the voluntary contribution not be paid. However, we do need to cover the financial costs of the trip and if the cost is not covered, the trip will be cancelled. If your child is in receipt of Pupil Premium, financial support can be offered.
We are very fortunate to be able to get tickets for this touring event but need to know how many students would like to attend before we book tickets. Currently, places are limited to 50 students; however, should there be a significantly larger expression of interest, we may be able to accommodate a larger number – please note, this cannot be guaranteed at this stage.
If you would like your child to attend this event, please respond and complete the following form by no later than Monday 29th January 2024: Expression of Interest_Romeo & Juliet
If you do not complete the form by this date, we cannot guarantee a place for your child on this trip.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs D Owens | English Department