Sir Keir Starmer Visits Hanham Woods Academy
Dear Parents/Carers
I am writing to inform you that Hanham Woods Academy was visited earlier today (1st February) by Sir Keir Starmer, MP and Damien Egan, candidate for the Kingswood by-election and former Hanham student.
The purpose of the visit was for Damien to speak to students about his time at Hanham High School and how this influenced his journey into politics. Both Sir Keir and Damien also spent time speaking with students about issues in the local community and their career aspirations.
This was a great opportunity for a number of our students to engage with both a senior and local politician, and to be able to question them about issues they are curious and passionate about. It provided a small insight into the life of a politician and was inspiring to those students who are considering politics as a possible career option.
The visit lasted around 1.5 hours and both Sir Keir and Damien were extremely complimentary about our students at Hanham Woods Academy. We are also proud of our students and the way in which they were outstanding ambassadors for the Academy.
Yours sincerely
Mr S O’Callaghan | Academy Principal