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Ski Trip February 2025

Dear Parent/Carer


Thank you for paying the outstanding balance on time for the fast-approaching ski trip.  In continued preparation for the trip I would like to invite you and your child to attend a meeting in the Main Hall on Thursday 7th November 2024, starting at 6:00pm.  At the meeting I will share further information regarding the trip, including an update on our trip planning, the proposed itinerary and programme of activities, clothing and equipment required.

I have invited a ski/snowboard clothing and equipment rental company, Sub32 to attend and give a brief talk about hire clothing.  We have used this company for many years and we have been very happy with the quality of the equipment and service we receive.  All items we have used in previous years have been of excellent quality and very good value for money, a much cheaper option than buying clothing yourselves.

I have attached an essential kit list for the trip to help you start preparing for your child’s trip.  If nothing else, I would recommend Sub32 as a good starting point in organising the necessary kit required.

Additionally, please complete and return the sheet titled ‘Information Request for the Hanham Woods Academy Ski Trip 2025’

Information Request for Hanham Woods Academy Ski Trip 2025

Please ensure that the information given is correct and in block capital letters.  This information will be sent to the ski company to enable them to prepare for our arrival in February.  Also, please indicate what size and three letters you would like on your child’s Ski Trip 2025 hooded top.

If you have any further questions you need answering prior to the meeting, please do not hesitate to contact me at the academy. I look forward to seeing you on Thursday 7th November 2024.

Yours sincerely


Mr E Swanton

Curriculum Leader for Physical Education