Sparx Reader
Dear Parent/ Carer,
You may be aware that Hanham Woods Academy are taking part in a trial of ‘Sparx Reader’ for this academic year. Students in year 7 to 10 have been tested using this program and can access the website at: as well as on the school navigation page.
We believe that reading is one of the most important skills that your child needs to succeed in their GCSE exams, be able to have a successful career and to also enjoy their future lives. Reading has been shown to improve mental health and reduce the use of social media.
Sparx Reader supports us all to ensure that your child takes part in regular reading each week for approximately 30 minutes based on their ability. Therefore, confident readers will not be limited in the amount that they can read, and weaker readers will be supported to achieve 30 minutes but with a smaller amount of text available to them. Adjustments to the size of font, background colour and the use of a ruler is available on the screen which may support your child further.
This introduction video from Sparx Reader helps to explain the benefits of regular reading: . There is also further support for parents and advice here:
Students log into Sparx Reader using the ‘sign in with Microsoft Office 365’ button at and continue to read the book that they have chosen from a selection based on their ability and interests.
Students must complete the 300SRP points each week which takes around 30 minutes. They will receive a HWA ‘WOW card’ of 5 house points for each week of completion which contributes to prize draws and trips at the end of each term.
Sparx Reader will be set as English homework for years 7, 8 and 9 and therefore students who do not complete the homework will be issued with a 30 minute after-academy detention. This replaces the current forms of homework in English.
We highly recommend that pupils in year 10 also complete the homework set each week in addition to the English homework set as we know that higher literacy levels are very important for their GCSEs. Students with a reading age of 15 years or more will be able to access the questions in the GCSE papers with more ease compared to their peers of lower reading ages.
Please let your child’s English teacher know of any concerns with accessing Sparx Reader. If your child has limited access to computer at home please inform us as we can provide additional support and access to computer rooms during the school day.
For more information please contact the below staff members:
Rebecca Gardner Assistant Principal [email protected]
Deborah Owens Literacy Lead [email protected]
We will be sending out questionnaires to get parent/carer and student voice on the use of Sparx Reader later this year.
Yours Sincerely,
Mrs Gardner and Mrs Owens