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Start of Term Arrangements – September 2021

Dear Parents/Carers

As the most challenging and unprecedented academic year draws to a close, I wanted to provide a brief overview of arrangements for the start of the academic year 2021-2022.

Further details of start of term arrangements for academic year 2021-22 will be communicated towards the end of the summer break but the arrangements involve a staggered start to the year, in line with latest government guidance, to allow for onsite COVID-19 testing to occur before students re-join the Academy.  Please note that specific timings for testing will be communicated separately.

Year 7:

Test 1 (on-site): Thursday 2nd September – Test and return home.

Test 2 (onsite): Monday 6th September – Test and stay in the Academy (unless positive test result)

Tuesday 7th September onwards – in the Academy arriving from 08:10am, tutor starting at 08:30am.


Year 8, Year 9 & Year 10:

Test 1 (on-site): Friday 3rd September – Test and return home.

Test 2 (on-site): Tuesday 7th September – Test and return home.

Wednesday 8th September – in the Academy arriving from 08:10am, tutor starting at 08:30am.


Year 11:

Test 1 (on-site): Thursday 2nd September – Test and return home.

Test 2 (onsite): Monday 6th September – Test and return home.

Tuesday 7th September onwards – in the Academy arriving from 08:10am, tutor starting at 08:30am.


Specific timings for staggered returns will be communicated at the end of August.

Can I take this opportunity to thank all parents/carers for their ongoing support over the last 5 years. As I leave Hanham Woods Academy and start a new phase of my career I will take with me many happy memories. When you lead a school you fall in love with it and Hanham will always have a place in my heart. I look forward fondly to hearing about ongoing successes.

Yours sincerely

Mr S T Kneller | Academy Principal