Student Guides – Academy Open Evening
Dear Parents/Carer
We are holding our annual Open Evening for Year 6 pupils and their parents/carers on Thursday 9th September 2021 and we are looking for student volunteers throughout the evening – they will either be Student Guides or be involved in support Departments. They will be informed as to which role they are selected for prior to the evening.
On this important evening your child will be helping us to present the Academy and individual Departments to our visitors. Please note that students must wear their full uniform as they will be representing the Academy and refreshments will be provided for them throughout the evening. If they are working within the PE Department they will need to wear their PE kit – the teachers will have told them if they require PE Kit.
Your child should arrive at the Academy by 4.30pm and once finished, they can either make their own way home (if permitted) or be collected from our Academy main entrance; please ensure they are collected by 8.30pm at the very latest.
In order for your child to represent the Academy in this important role, I would be grateful if you would complete the online Student Guide Consent Form using the link below:
If you have more than one child who wishes to help, please complete the online form individually for each child.
In the meantime, if you have any queries or require any further clarification on the above, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours sincerely
Mr C Coulstring | Associate Assistant Principal