Term 2 (2022) – Week 6 Update
Dear Parents/Carers
As we move into the final two weeks of Term 2, I have been impressed with the resilience shown by students, during one of the longest terms of the year. With 10 days left until the end of Term 2, every day counts, and we expect students to attend every day to make the most of the curriculum offer.
- KS3 students are currently preparing for mid-term assessments that are starting in January with every lesson sequenced to support revision and give students the best chance of success.
- Year 11 are acting on feedback from their PPEs earlier in the term and progressing towards their final round of PPEs (8 Academy weeks away)
- Year 10 are continuing to progress through their GCSE courses and build on knowledge acquired over the last 10 weeks of lessons
The purpose of this letter is to provide a brief update on:
- Final week/day of Term 2 (early finish)
- Cold weather
- Strep A disease
Final Week/Day of Term 2 (early finish)
The final day of Term 2 is Friday 16th December and students will be leaving at 12:30 on this day.
During the final week of term students will be continuing with lessons as normal up until breaktime of the final day of term. After breaktime they will have an extended tutor time which will include a whole Academy assembly (with important safeguarding information), staff panto and a Christmas quiz. Students will then be dismissed at the earlier finish time of 12:30pm. Students who are entitled to a free school meal will be able to pick up a packed lunch before leaving site.
We will be celebrating the fantastic student achievements every day in our special Year Group Rewards Assemblies; whereby students will receive certificates for gaining Bronze (100 House Points), Silver (200 House Points), Gold (300 House Points), 100% Attendance and 100% Punctuality.
Throughout this week and next, we will continue to spread festive cheer whilst raising funds for the Academy’s Rewards by selling Candy Canes (50p for 1 or £1 for 3, cash only) during Tutor Time. On Wednesday 14th December, Aspens will also be serving a traditional Festive lunch for students.
On Friday 16th December, we will be partaking in the National Christmas Jumper Day, whereby students can choose to wear festive attire such as a Christmas Jumper or dress down for the day. Students will need to bring in £1 which will be collected from the gates. All monies raised will be split between Save The Children and Hanham Woods Academy Fundraising. Additionally, students will be able to purchase Tuck Sweet Bags for £1 (cash only) at breaktime, this will be supported by the Friends of Hanham Woods Academy and our House Council students.
The first day of Term 3 for students will be Wednesday 4th January (Tuesday 3rd January is an INSET day).
Cold Weather
You will be aware from recent reports in the media that we are expecting some cold weather across the rest of this week. Please can you ensure that your child is dressed appropriately for the weather and has a suitable coat (we have seen several students arrive at the Academy without one). As the temperature is likely to drop towards the end of the week, it also recommended that students have winter hats and gloves to keep them warm when outside.
Scarlett Fever and Strep A
Group A Streptococcus is the name given to a type of bacteria sometimes found in the throat or on the skin.
A Streptococcus infection usually causes mild illness like:
- sore throats
- skin infections,
- scarlet fever that can be easily treated with antibiotics (seek advice and treatment from your GP)
While most infections are relatively mild, it can sometimes cause a serious illness called invasive Group A Streptococcal disease. This is when the bacteria get into parts of the body that are usually free from bacteria such as the lungs, blood or muscles.
Invasive Strep A disease Symptoms are:
- Fever (a high temperature above 38°C (100.4°F))
- severe muscle aches
- localised muscle tenderness
- redness at the site of a wound.:
Make sure you talk to a health professional if your child is showing these signs or is deteriorating after a bout of scarlet fever, a sore throat, or a respiratory infection.
Serious illness is still uncommon however, it is important that you are on the lookout for symptoms and see a doctor as quickly as possible so that your child can be treated and can stop the infection becoming serious.
I will write to you again before the end of term to update you on the start of Term 3.
Thank you for your continued support.
Dream BIG // Work Hard // Be Kind
Mr O’Callaghan | Principal