Term 2 Week 3 Update
Dear Parents / Carers,
Thank you for supporting a strong start to Term 2! Despite the term only being two weeks old we have had a lot of activity within the academy and opportunities for students to enrich their experience.
At the start of the week we held a whole Academy Remembrance event to come together as a community to pay our respects. The event was supported by a number of students who represented the Scouts, Guides, Cadets and St John Ambulance by wearing their uniforms proudly as part of the ceremony. More information is available here: https://hanhamwoodsacademy.clf.uk/news/we-will-remember-them-hanham-woods-academy-unites-for-remembrance-event/
Throughout the week our student leadership team spent time raising money for Children in Need by selling raffle tickets giving students the opportunity to gunge me at the end of the week. It was great to raise money for a good cause and spread some joy amongst students!
Cold weather
As the temperature has now started to drop, please ensure students arrive at the Academy with an appropriate coat. Due to the nature of the Academy site students do need to walk between buildings during the day and having an appropriate coat will help keep them warm.
Christmas Food Bank Appeal
One of our core values at Hanham Woods is ‘Be Kind’ and we look to provide students with opportunities to demonstrate this on a daily basis. As an Academy we are looking to support a Christmas food bank appeal, more information here on how you can contribute: https://hanhamwoodsacademy.clf.uk/letters/christmas-food-bank-and-gift-appeal/
Parent / Carer Voice Term 2
Your feedback is important and helps us to make further improvements to the Academy. Please take a few minutes to provide feedback using this online survey: https://forms.office.com/e/G9QM9rUySa
Dream BIG // Work Hard // Be Kind
Mr O’Callaghan | Principal