Term 4, Week 1 Update
Dear Parents / Carers,
Thank you for supporting a strong start to term at the Academy, it has been great to welcome students back this week.
I am writing to inform you of a few Academy updates:
We are currently experiencing an issue during lesson time whereby the Humanities toilet block is causing disruption to lessons (there are classrooms either side of the narrow corridor). Students have also provided feedback that it can sometimes get busy at lesson changeover. To help resolve this and ensure that lessons are not disrupted, we will be closing these toilets during lesson time (they will be open before the Academy day, break time and lunch time).
To ensure students still have adequate access to toilets during lesson time we will be opening a larger toilet block (which will increase the number of toilets available). This block will remain open all day so that students can access a toilet if required.
This change will be communicated to students tomorrow morning in tutor time and will take effect from Monday 3rd March.
MCAS (My Child at School) App update
Thank you to those parents / carers in Years 7, 8 and 9 that have already signed up to the MCAS app. We are continuing to roll out the implementation of MCAS following the plan below:
- Year 7 – Monday 20th January 2025
- Years 8 & 9 – Monday 24th February 2025
- Years 10 & 11 – Monday 24th March 2025
When it is your turn to register for the app we will be sending instructions to you via email (using the email address we currently have on our system). If you have recently changed your email or believe we may not have the most up to date email address for you, you can update your email using this form: https://forms.office.com/e/KHAnC8xCPH
Once the roll out of MCAS is complete we will transition to all Academy communication being provided via the MCAS app, so it is important that you sign up. If you have any issues please do get in contact: [email protected]
Reminder about a change to the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)
We have made a change to our DSL with Miss Dickson taking over from Mrs Tushingham at the start of this term. Mrs Tushingham, as Vice Principal, will continue to be the strategic lead for Safeguarding, but Miss Dickson now has the responsibility of DSL.
Dream BIG // Work Hard // Be Kind
Mr O’Callaghan | Principal