Term 6: Timings of the Day and Uniform
Dear Parent/Carer
As a busy Term 5 draws to a close, we would like to inform you of some important updates and reminders for the first week back in Term 6. These updates relate specifically to the timings of the Academy day and expectations around uniform and PE kit.
Timings of the Academy Day:
For Term 6, we have made some minor changes to the Academy day that we feel will be beneficial to both staff and students. You can see in the appendix (Times of the Day Term 6) an overview for each Year Group. The changes we have made include an additional 5 minutes to morning break time and removing staggered lessons within the Academy day. We feel that both of these changes will impact positively on learning at the Academy.
We have made some slight amendments to the start times for different Year Groups. The times are now:
- Year 7 and 9 – Arrival on site between 8.25 and 8.35am.
- Year 8 and 10 – Arrival on site between 8.30am and 8.40am.
Students will be required to go straight to their Tutor base on arrival at the Academy. We ask that no students arrive on site before 8.15am. If for any reason your child needs to attend before this time, please speak to your child’s Pastoral Leader to inform us of this. There is no change to the exit times at the end of the day.
Expectations of Uniform:
As you will be aware from previous communications this term, we have continued to remind our students about our high expectations of uniform and equipment. From Monday 7th June, all students must arrive to the Academy in full uniform (or PE kit if applicable) every day.
Any student not in full, correct uniform will be expected to have the correct uniform brought to the Academy (as soon as possible) if there are no valid reasons for non-adherence. We will be making contact with parents/carers on an individual basis in these instances. As has always been the case, hoodies are not permitted on the Academy site and are not permitted for PE lessons. The uniform policy can be found in the appendix (HWA Uniform Policy 2020-21). It is important to point out that the uniform policy has not changed this year and it will remain the same in September 2021. Therefore, where your child has either lost, damaged or grown out of their uniform, we ask that you replace this very promptly as it can still be worn for the next academic year. If there are any medical or other extenuating circumstances whereby your child may not be in the correct uniform on Monday 7th June, we ask that you send an email to your child’s Pastoral Lead to discuss this matter. We also ask that you provide a signed note in your child’s planner in all such cases once the pastoral team are aware of the reasons why.
We have communicated fully with students this week via virtual assemblies a reminder of these uniform expectations and changes to the times of the day. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us at the Academy.
Yours sincerely
Mrs Sara Hutchinson | Assistant Principal: Pastoral