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Uniform Consultation Outcome

Dear Parents/Carers,

Thank you for your support in maintaining high standards across the Academy and your engagement with the online consultation into uniform. Your views have been taken into consideration and have formed part of the following letter. We have tried to go for the fairest version of uniform policy, considering everyone’s views.

To summarise, the purpose of this letter is to:

  • Summarise the uniform consultation
  • Outline the standards of professional dress expected at the Academy.


Summary of Uniform Consultation

As a result of the consultation, we have decided:

  • In PE (Physical Education) lessons, branded sportswear is allowed to be worn on students’ legs, provided it is also all black with no other colour shown and no branding that is easily visible or larger than 10cm. The Academy branded PE top must still be worn for PE.
  • For students who choose to wear school skirts, the length of the skirt needs to remain at the knee when standing.
  • The uniform will be ungendered, and students will be able to wear tailored school shorts in the summer terms 5 and 6. These must be black tailored shorts to the knee.


Uniform Expectations from 21st March 2022

All students must wear full Academy uniform and present themselves in a professional manner. From the 21st March 2022, the following items will not be allowed to be worn to the Academy, even if the Academy is provided with a note from home*. 

  • Skirts that do not stay at the knee when worn are not allowed, this is in keeping with professional standards, where skirt lengths would be expected to be knee length**. At present, some skirts are shorter than this.
  • Jumpers or hoodies, including hoodies with a zip at the front, other than the Hanham Woods Academy jumper. These must be removed before students enter the Academy and stored in students’ bags until they leave the Academy site.
  • Leggings, tracksuit (jogging) bottoms and jeans are not allowed.
  • Piercings, other than a single set of studs in the ears and a simple nose stud are not allowed. Any other piercings your child already has must have a clear piercing retainer, as can be purchased from several online retailers such as Amazon. Any new piercings should be done at the start of the summer holidays to allow time to heal and for a piercing retainer to be worn.
  • Long styled nails that are over 1 centimetre longer than the length of the finger are not allowed.
  • Balaclavas, which must be removed prior to entry to the Academy and stored in your child’s bag.
  • Trainers, including black polishable leather trainers, must not be worn to the Academy.

*If there are any medical or other extenuating circumstances relating to uniform then please contact the Academy to discuss a resolution [email protected]. Similarly, if you have any concerns or queries regarding uniform, please do get in contact so that we can help. We want to work together with you so that students meet our mutual high expectations.  The Friends of Hanham Woods Academy can supply uniform in instances of hardship. Alongside, South Gloucestershire Council are also providing financial support here: https://beta.southglos.gov.uk/community-resilience-fund

**School skirts such as the below are available in the school section at Asda. You must ensure the length of the skirt remains at the knee when worn.

Uniform Consultation OutcomeUniform Consultation Outcome

I would also like to take this opportunity to remind you about specific aspects of our Academy uniform, please see the attached imagery enclosed:

Uniform Consultation Outcome

Uniform Consultation Outcome

We will write to you at the start of Term 4 outlining how the Academy will further support families to ensure students are in the correct uniform and also outline sanctions for incorrect uniform.

We have very high standards in everything we do, and we want your child to look as smart as possible at all times. Wearing smart uniform helps to create the right conditions for learning and enables students to take pride in belonging to our community. We are very proud of our students and the high standards of their uniform, and we know that you are too!

Thank you for taking the time to be part of the consultation. If you require further clarity or support to ensure your child is in the correct uniform, please get in contact.

Yours sincerely,

Ms A Peyton | Assistant Principal