Uniform – Prospective Year 7 Students
Dear Parent/Carer,
We are already preparing for the new academic and we’re especially excited to welcome our new students to the Academy.
As always, we are preparing to welcome our new students and working hard to ensure their transition is a positive one that builds their confidence for the future. An important part of that transition is taking pride in our Academy uniform and the values it represents. We believe that a clear and consistent uniform policy has a vital role to play in helping all our students feel part of something bigger – and just as importantly, that everyone is an equal and valued member of our Academy community.
To help you and our new starters get ready for the new school year, we are sending you information on our uniform policy and purchase options.
Our uniform supplier, Monkhouse have made sure their website is full of useful information to help you shop for your brand-new uniform. You can find all the information you’ll need on their ‘New Starter Hub’ which you can find here.
The Monkhouse website hosts key information including:
- Our Academy uniform and prices
- How to order online or in store
- How to book a personalised 1:1 store appointment
- Offers and promotions on essential and accessory items
- Click and collect information
- Parent newsletter sign-up
- Extended free returns
- Weekend shopping times
- 1:1 Personalised In-Store Appointments
Because many new starters prefer to visit a store for fitting and advice, Monkhouse will be continuing with their popular 1:1 personalised store appointments with their experienced staff. But to ensure availability, it is important that you book as soon as possible.
You can book your store appointment on the Monkhouse website.
Should you have any queries about your requirements please contact Monkhouse’s customer service team:
Tel: 0161 476 7216 – Monday to Friday – 8.30AM to 5PM
Email: [email protected]
We hope this information is useful and helps you prepare for a successful year ahead.
Yours sincerely
Mrs Linda Hall | Senior Operations Manager