University of Oxford Trip – Monday 22nd January 2024 (Selected Year 7 Students ONLY)
Dear Parent/Carer
I am writing with regard to the trip to the University of Oxford on Monday 22nd January 2024.
The University of Oxford regularly scores as one of the top ten universities in the world. University is one of several pathways’ students can pursue, and we believe that giving the students the opportunity to visit Oxford is a great way to encourage our young people to start thinking about their future now in preparation for when they need to make decisions.
This trip will take place on Monday 22nd January 2024, with the coach leaving Hanham Woods Academy at 8am and aiming to return at 5pm.
The itinerary for the day is as follows:
- 10.15/10.30am Arrive and walk to Merton College
- 10.45-11.30am ‘What is University?’ Talk
- 11.30-12pm Q&A with student ambassadors
- 12-12.30pm Tour of the College
- 12.30-1.15pm Lunch
- 1.15-1.30pm Walk to Exeter College
- 1.30-2.15pm Workshop
- 2.15-2.45pm Tour of Exeter College
- 2.45-3pm Opportunity for final questions and depart
There is no cost for the activities at the venue, however the cost of transport is £7.90- please note that the transport has been subsidised by over 50%. This can be paid using SCOPAY, the online payment system. If you are in receipt on Free School Meals, we can subsidise the trip, please contact [email protected] for further information.
Please make the payment of £7.90 and also complete the Medical Form by using the following link: no later than 10am on Monday 15th January 2024.
If you have any questions or concerns, please email [email protected]
Yours Sincerely
Sade Mujkic and Nicola Hurrell | Careers Team at HWA